Setting Up a Custom Domain for Your Frontend Application

Frontend apps can be an excellent option to present different kinds of services and products to a potential audience. There is a wide assortment of options for choosing a domain of your own. If you are planning to launch a site, you need to start by choosing a domain. The domain is recognized as the address, which the audience types in the address bar to check out your site. Hence, it is important to pick the proper domain name for frontend development.

Finding and registering the domain name can prove to be a bit challenging. As you try to create a portfolio online and develop a business and personal site, you will find specific ways to choose a domain name at no cost. Some of the primary domain registers that are widely popular today for frontend security apps development include Hostinger, GoDaddy,, Namecheap, Network Solutions, and NameSilo.


Hostinger happens to be a popular choice for choosing a free domain for frontend application hosting, as it is available at the most cost-effective web hosting packages. The low-cost bundles of Hostinger include free email accounts, WordPress, and different tools that extend a helping hand in creating an appealing site. It is extremely easy to sign up for Hostinger.

You do not need any sort of technical expertise to begin. As Hostinger provides a money-back guarantee of 30 days, you do not need to take the risks of signing up. All you need to do is tap Start Now and buy each of the plans along with the free domain.

Setting up a custom domain for the frontend application with Hostinger

As you go to the official website of Hostinger, you will come across various menu navigation options. You should tap on the Hosting option, after which you should choose Web hosting, which is present in the drop-down menu. Shared hosting happens to be an affordable option for choosing a domain name at no cost. After choosing the right kind of hosting, you should go for the right plan.

 If you are planning to choose a free domain, you should not choose a single-shared hosting plan. However, you can go for premium hosting, as it allows you to create about 100 sites. Then, you need to select the period for the plan. You can choose from a monthly, annual, bimonthly, or 48-month plan. After choosing the accurate plan period, you should share the email address to sign into the Hostinger account.

  • After setting up the email, you need to select the right payment method.
  • After making the payment, you are ready to choose your own domain name.

    In this section, we are going to walk you through the steps to set a custom domain for        the frontend application:

   At first, you should come up with the React App, referred to as my-new-app, through           create-React-App. In the specific terminal, you should enter

  npx create-react-app my-new-app

   cd my-new-app

Pushing the app to Github

Here, you should develop the latest github rep for the specific project, after which you should upload the project onto github. Now, you should tap on the New button, present on top left. Now, you should enter the application name and tap on the create repository button at the bottom of the screen.

Creating the repository

The repository comprises different project files, which include revision histories. Now you need to copy the specific code so that you can push the already-present repository from the command line.

joelmasters / my-new-app

Then, you need to paste the specific code within the terminal to upload the code.

Setting up Netlify for hosting

  •  At first, you should sign within Netlify.
  •  After this, you should tap New Site from Git.
  •  You should choose Github on the next screen.
  •  As you navigate to the next screen, you should scroll to find the Github rep for the  specific application:


  •  Now, you should tap on the Deploy site present on the next screen.
  •  Now, you should tap on Domain Settings.
  •  Then, you should press Add Custom Domain.
  •  After this, you should enter the domain and press verify.
  •  Next to this, you should press on Yes, add domain.
  •  You need to copy link present at the back part of the domain settings screen.     You can use it later after completing the registration of the custom domain.

Registering the custom domain name at Namescheap

  •   At first, you need to register the domain name on Namescheap.
  •  After the completion of the purchase, you should move to the Dashboard and look for   the domain name you are willing to transfer. Now, you should press the MANAGE     button.
  •  Then, you should tap on Advanced DNS.
  •  Next, you need to press Add New Record.
  •  Now, you should make sure to scroll down to CNAME and click
  •  For “Host”, type www and paste link for Value on Netlify. Then, you should         press the green check mark.

Adding the domain to Netlify

  •  You will now find the custom domain name on Netlify.

     Other options for choosing free domain names

Using a free subdomain

The majority of website builders provide sub domains at no cost. The sub domain is present in the existing domain name.

Wix is a popular website builder. Here, you do not need to pay for the domain. The site will be equipped with a sub domain in the specific format, as given below.

You should make sure that the domain name is memorable and short. However, you do not need to take care of such things within the sub domain.

WordPress is recognized as a popular choice to opt for the sub domain at no cost. The format for the free WordPress sub domain includes

There are certain site builders, such as Zyro and Wix that remove the need to settle for the sub domain at no cost. But you need to upgrade to the specific paid plan within the website builder.

If you are planning to create eCommerce websites and online apps, you can consider choosing Squarespace and premium Wix, as they help to cut down on the first-year expenses.

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