The Concept of the Internet Homogenizing Society

The problem concerning whether the Internet plays a crucial role in globalization is a highly controversial and arguable subject. Globalization, often defined as “the assimilation of economic funding markets as well as culture throughout the world” is seen as a principle that has both unfavorable in addition to favorable benefits. The price of development in the globalization of countries and geographical regions is seen to be greatly assisted by the speed of info expertise that the Internet supplies.

Nevertheless, although theoretically, the sharing of understanding is apparently to be valuable towards the growth of humanity, the Internet also provides a path to homogenizing society and producing an unequal playing area for developing nations. This disagreement can be clearly seen in instance researches of Eastern nations, particularly in Thailand. Thus, using Internet and also the development of organizations on the Internet have raised, the inquiry raised is that although technology has progressed communication as well as knowledge, has this advantage affected individuals residing in developing countries, or has the space in between the rich and the poor widened?

The Internet is a special form of media. It has the power to get to numerous however this is influenced by factors such as financial status, technical skill, understanding, and the desire for the tool. The Internet is not always ideal or feasible for everyone to have, as well as in a nation like Thailand, it can be plainly seen that the less lucky have actually been marginalized, specifically the uneducated and those from rural areas. For example, seventy percent of Thailand’s Internet individuals are focused in The Bangkok Metropolitan Area (Hongladaron, 2003) and only four to 5 percent of Rural Thailand has accessibility to the Internet.

In a few of his short articles the scholar Hongladaron has actually also reviewed the marginalization of rural Thai residents. Hongladaron specifies the advantages of the Internet, yet then verifies from his study that since these advantages are only available by the well-off, therefore, due to the poor being marginalized, the Internet can be considered to be an inequitable type of tool. Nonetheless, Hongladaron also says that the Internet does not co-opt cultures. He specifies that “the connection between computer-mediated communication innovations and local cultures is defined neither by a homogenizing result, not by an erecting of barriers separating one society from an additional.” (Hongladaron, 1998).

Hongladaron came to a conclusion regarding the Internet co-opting society, yet just to a restricted extent. With limited info being available en routes that Thai individuals interact on the web, or see the Internet as a medium, it’s hard in conclusion whether the total result of the Internet is co-opting. Nonetheless, it can be plainly mentioned that the Internet does marginalize those that are incapable to utilize this tool.

As usage of the Internet comes to be extra prominent, the dispute of homogenizing culture is very discussed. Some academics say that because the Internet profits the rich and also the enlightened, those that have the ability to use the Internet typically have a level of mental ability, therefore, the homogenizing of society is just applicable to a minimal degree. For instance, the Bengali tribes in Bangladesh method sustainable living and also do not value the knowledge that exists on the web. They view the Internet as an extremely unfavorable kind of communication, as personal call is not made. Participants of the Bengali people obey the Hindu religious beliefs and also every person in the tribe has a particular function.

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